Tiistai 4.9.
Menimme koululle aamulla klo. 10.30 syömään lounasta. Lounaan jälkeen lähdimme bussilla kohti Helsinki-Vantaan lentokenttää. Perillä lentokentällä olimme puoli kolmen aikaan. Kentällä teimme vielä nopeat tsekkaukset ja turvatarkastuksen jälkeen pääsimme vielä kiertelemään kauppoja ennen lentokoneen lähtöä. Lentokone lähti kohti Prahaa kello 17.35 ja perillä olimme paikallista aikaa kello 18.45. Lentokentällä otimme laukut ja lähdimme bussilla metroasemalle, josta jatkoimme matkaa metrolla kohti hostellia. Hostellilla viivyimme vain hetken, jätimme matkatavarat huoneisiimme ja sen jälkeen suuntasimme Prahan keskustaan etsimään ruokapaikkaa. Kaikilla oli varmasti mielessään jokin kaunis ja idyllinen loistoravintola Prahan kauniissa iltamaisemassa, mutta mielikuvat eivät ehkä saaneetkaan vastinetta todellisuudelle, kun jalat veivätkin kohti McDonald'sia poikien ja budjetin määräyksestä. Vatsat täynnä roskaruokaa oli hyvä jatkaa iltaa kiertelemällä hieman Prahan keskustaa. Pienen kierroksen jälkeen olimmekin kaikki jo valmiita nukkumaan.
Tuesday 4.9.
We went to school about half past ten in the morning to eat our lunch. After lunch we took the bus to get to the Helsinki-Vantaa airport. We were at the airport at half past two. We did quick check-in and after that we went through the security check. Then we had a little time to do shopping before the departure. The airplane took off Helsinki to Prague at 5.35 pm and we were there at 6.45 am local time. At the airport we took our bags and we took the bus to get to the subway station. At the station we hopped on the subway, which took us to the hostel. We didn´t have much time to stay there so we just left our baggage there and went to the centre to find a restaurant. I think all of us had an image of a restaurant in their minds: beautiful and idyllic five-star restaurant in a gorgeous night time Prague. And where did we really go? To McDonald´s because of the boys and the budget. When we had finished our junk food meals, we continued our night by walking around Prague. After that we all were ready to go to bed.
Keskiviikko 5.9.
Heräsimme aamulla aikaisin aamupalalle, jonka jälkeen lähdimme katsomaan paria nähtävyyttä. Kun olimme käyneet kaikki nähtävyydet läpi, oli aika lähteä shoppailemaan. Shoppailla saimme 4 tuntia, jonka aikana saimme käydä syömässä missä itse halusimme. Sen jälkeen lähdimme raitiovaunulla Petřín torniin, jossa sijaitsee kopio Eiffel-tornista. Kukaan ei kuitenkaan jaksanut kiivetä tornin huipulle kaiken sen kaupungilla kävelemisen jälkeen, paitsi tietysti meidän reippaat opettajamme. Kun he olivat päässeet turvallisesti takaisin maanpinnalle, lähdimmme käymään hostellilla, josta jatkoimme pian syömään espanjalaiseen ravintolaan, La Bocaan. Kun kaikki olivat syöneet, lähdimme hostellille nukkumaan.
Wednesday 5.9.
We woke up early in the morning to have breakfast. After that we went to see some sights. When we had seen each of them it was time for shopping. We had 4 hours and during that time we had to do our shopping and have lunch. Then we took the tram, which took us to the Petřín tower, where is located a copy of the Eiffel tower. But no one had energy to climb to the top of the tower except our brisk teachers! When they all had returned safely down to the ground, we quickly visited the hostel and then we carried on our way to Spanish restaurant, La Boca. After everybody had eaten we went to the hostel to sleep.
Torstai 6.9.
Torstaina heräsimme kahdeksaksi aamupalalle, kuten keskiviikkonakin. Aamupalan jälkeen oli vuorossa huoneiden luovutus, jonka jälkeen meillä oli vielä parisen tuntia shoppailuaikaa. Shoppailusta nälkiintyneenä menimme vielä syömään ennen junan lähtöä. Tapasimme hostellilla ja lähdimme yhdessä kävellen juna-asemalle. Juna-asemalla meillä oli vielä hetki aikaa shoppailla, kunnes junamme kohti Žďár nad Sázavouta aloitti matkansa. Junamatka kesti noin pari tuntia, jonka jälkeen saavuimme juna-asemalle jossa isäntäperheemme odottivat meitä.
Thursday 6.9.
On Thursday morning we were supposed to be in cantine, where we had our breakfast, at 8 o´clock. After breakfast it was time to give the keys off the hostel room and after that we still had some time for shopping and to eat something before getting to the train. We met at the hostel and walked together to the railway station. At the railway station we had a little time for shopping before our train to Žďár nad Sázavou left. The trip by train took a couple of hours. At the station host families were waiting for us.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
The last moment
It’s Saturday, 5 o’clock in the morning. We are standing at the
railway station, full of new experiences and memories. Everybody is
trying not to cry, but it’s only waste of time. And we don’t have much
of the time now. Just 17 minutes. When Jenny says that they should leave
for the platform in 10 minutes, it starts saying goodbyes. Everybody
hugs each other and nobody is ashamed of his or her tears. It’s very sad
because we have spent a wonderful time together and we have enjoyed
every second of this visit. We also have made lots of work on our
project and we have enjoyed it. We are thinking about it at the platform
and all impressions are miziny in our minds.
Ten minutes are gone and we are leaving for the platform. Our Finnish partners are getting on the train and we are standing in front of the door, crying and saying goodbye. Then the door are closing and we are waving as long as we can. The way back to the station is full of memories and tears.
I enjoyed the visit very much and I’m glad I could meet people from Finland. We have had a lot of fun and time together. I hope our Finnish partners have enjoyed their stay here as we enjoyed staying in Finland. I will never forget!
Míša M.
Ten minutes are gone and we are leaving for the platform. Our Finnish partners are getting on the train and we are standing in front of the door, crying and saying goodbye. Then the door are closing and we are waving as long as we can. The way back to the station is full of memories and tears.
I enjoyed the visit very much and I’m glad I could meet people from Finland. We have had a lot of fun and time together. I hope our Finnish partners have enjoyed their stay here as we enjoyed staying in Finland. I will never forget!
Míša M.
Friday, September 14, 2012
St. Zdislava
While wandering in the Nové město we visited a center for handicapped people St. Zdislava. People who regularly visit this center can't go to church because for their disability. Therefore, at least sing religious songs in the lounge. For us It was a good experience.
We could make a little present here.
Daniel and Topias
Visitation Brno
On Saturday 9 September we were in Brno. It was realy funny experience. We were there all day, we visited Villa Tugendhat and so on. Then we went to the concert at the monastery. It was quite nice trip.
David and Henri
The last day
Now it‘s the last day of our trip and I have to say that the last 10 days have been awesome.
We have had a lot of unforgettable moments and memories and it has been the best time of my life.
We have done a lot of things together everyday like for example bowling, been in Brno and a lot of other places.
Today we will make a presentation at school for Czech students about the Wirkko-magazine and after that we will go to restaurant with our host students and have an evening together maybe like every other day before this. I think we all are going to have a wonderful last day in the Czech republic.
Tomorrow we will go to Prague by train at 5 o‘clock in the morning and after that we will go to Finland by airplane. I think it will be hard for us to leave the Czech republic behind us after all these great days.
Nyt on matkamme viimeinen päivä ja täytyy sanoa että viimeiset 10 ovat olleet mahtavia.
Olemme kokeneet paljon unohtamattomia hetkiä ja viimeiset 10 päivää ovat olleet elämäni parhaat.
Olemme tehneet yhdessä paljon asioita, kuten keilanneet, olleet Brnossa ja monissa muissa paikoissa.
Tänään esittämme Tsekilläisille oppilaille esitelmän Wirkko lehdestä ja sen jälkeen menemme syömään isäntäperheiden kanssa. ja vietämme yhdessä mukavan illan kuten monina muinkain iltoina aiemmin.
Uskon, että meillä tulee olemaan mahtava viimeinen ilta Tsekissä.
Huomenna menemme junalla Prahaan klo 5 aamulla ja sen jälkeen menemme lentokoneella Suomeen. Lähtö takaisin Suomeen saattaa olla vaikeaa näiden kaikkien hyvien päivien jälkeen.
Henri S
We have had a lot of unforgettable moments and memories and it has been the best time of my life.
We have done a lot of things together everyday like for example bowling, been in Brno and a lot of other places.
Today we will make a presentation at school for Czech students about the Wirkko-magazine and after that we will go to restaurant with our host students and have an evening together maybe like every other day before this. I think we all are going to have a wonderful last day in the Czech republic.
Tomorrow we will go to Prague by train at 5 o‘clock in the morning and after that we will go to Finland by airplane. I think it will be hard for us to leave the Czech republic behind us after all these great days.
Nyt on matkamme viimeinen päivä ja täytyy sanoa että viimeiset 10 ovat olleet mahtavia.
Olemme kokeneet paljon unohtamattomia hetkiä ja viimeiset 10 päivää ovat olleet elämäni parhaat.
Olemme tehneet yhdessä paljon asioita, kuten keilanneet, olleet Brnossa ja monissa muissa paikoissa.
Tänään esittämme Tsekilläisille oppilaille esitelmän Wirkko lehdestä ja sen jälkeen menemme syömään isäntäperheiden kanssa. ja vietämme yhdessä mukavan illan kuten monina muinkain iltoina aiemmin.
Uskon, että meillä tulee olemaan mahtava viimeinen ilta Tsekissä.
Huomenna menemme junalla Prahaan klo 5 aamulla ja sen jälkeen menemme lentokoneella Suomeen. Lähtö takaisin Suomeen saattaa olla vaikeaa näiden kaikkien hyvien päivien jälkeen.
Henri S
Concert in the Basilica Minor of the Assumption of Virgin Mary
Concert in the Basilica Minor of the Assumption of Virgin Mary
On Saturday evening after our trip to Brno we went to the monastery in Žďár nad Sázavou. Shopping and walking in Brno was exhausting so we ordered some pizzas. It was a tiny picnic in the park near the church. The Monastery night took place there, so it was a great opportunity for us to find out some information about the church of St. John Nepomuk. Everybody got questionnaires and interviewed people in the street. At 8 o'clock the concert already started and we all took our seats. Our priest P. Vladimír Záleský welcomed all the people who were in the concert and especially our Finnish guests. Philharmonic Orchestra of Gustav Mahler performed there with the Svatopluk choir and the church was full of people. Even though we listened to other kinds of music, we enjoyed the concert.
Koncert v bazilice Minor Nanebevzetí Panny Marie
V sobotu večer po příjezdu z Brna jsme vyrazili do kláštera ve Žďáře nad Sázavou. Nakupování a chození po Brně bylo velmi namáhavé a tak jsme si objednali pizzy. Byl to takový malý piknik v parku poblíž kostela. Ten den probíhala Klášterní noc v zámku, což byla skvělá příležitost k tomu, abychom zjistili více o kostele svatého Jana Nepomuckého. Všichni dostali dotazníky a ptali se lidí na ulici. V 8 hodin jsme již všichni seděli na svých místech a koncert mohl začít. P. Vladimír Záleský přivítal všechny účastníky koncertu, zvláště pak naše hosty z Finska. Filharmonie Gustava Mahlera vystoupila se sborem Svatopluk v kostele plném lidí. I když posloucháme jiný typ muziky, koncert se nám líbil.
Radka and Stina
My thoughts
![]() |
From Daniel´s house. |
Art exhibition
On the road to the church of St. John Nepomuk on the Green Hill there is installed students art exhibiton now. This exhibition named "We and Santini" is a kind of "art in the street". Pictures are situated between trees and people going to the Green Hill are watchintg these pictures during their way to the church of St. John Nepomuk. When we were getting around the place with Finnish students we followed and admired the pictures.
Our trip to Pernštejn
Our trip to Pernštejn
After our work at school we got a present from one of our sponsors - the trip to one of the most famous and beautiful castles in the Czech Republic Pernštejn castle. It was rainy Wednesday afternoon, but it couldn't stop us to go there. Students and teachers visited the castle from the Middle Ages and after a guided tour we visited the town of Bystřice nad Pernštejnem which is near the castle. Everybody enjoyed quite a cold day full of history.
Náš výlet na Pernštejn
Po práci na našem projektu jsme dostali jako dárek od sponzora výlet na jeden z nejznámějších a nejkrásnějších českých hradů v České republice. Byla deštivá středa odpoledne, ale počasí nás nemohlo odradit. Studenti a učitelé navštívili středověký hrad a poté Bystřici nad Pernštejnem, město blízko hradu. Všichni si užili chladný den plný historie.
Radka, Stina
Prague – Been out of sight but not out of mind
I can’t describe how excited
and impatient I felt when I suddenly realized that after one week we would
already be in Prague. Like you hadn’t seen your teenage crush in ages. It has
been almost ten years since the last time we met. Honestly, I almost lost my
appetite and if you knew me like my friends do, you’d be sure it’s something
In the airplane the
excitement just grew and I can assure you, I wasn’t the only one. It was easy
to read it from everyone’s faces. Because of a very lucky chance, the captain
of the plane invited me to the cockpit. Not sure which was more thrilling: to
follow the pilots at work or to be able to see how we were approaching my
sweetheart. A pretty cool start for our adventure, I must say.
From the very first
beginning, she showed us only her good sides: interesting, fascinating, kind
and intellectual. And oh boy, she sure is gorgeous! When I saw all the familiar
streets, squares and buildings, I felt like I was back home again. Even her
scent was exactly the same, just like I remembered. Strange but true, I have
never experienced such feeling anywhere else no matter where I have roamed.
This is where I belong.
The hospitality of Prague
astounded me again. Even if there is this massive language barrier, the locals
are always smiling and willing to help. Body language and good old pen &
paper –combo are a great way to communicate without a common language. After
you’ve learnt some basic phrases like thank you, please and hello, you’ll be
just fine!
At the end it’s hard to say
where the very beauty of Prague lives. Is it in the breathtaking architecture?
Can you find it from their amazing culture? Maybe from lively pubs and
beautiful cafes? Or does it simply dwell in the hearts of the inhabitants?
I once heard someone say: ”God
is well, He’s feeling fine and He lives in Prague.” I agree.
See you soon, my love. I will
miss you.
Juri Pietiläinen
Thursday, September 13, 2012
My first impressions in Finnish project
Ve čtvrtek 6. září 2012 jsem se poprvé setkala s mojí novou partnerku z Finska Eve Riikonen. Moc jsem se na ni těšila, ale z našeho setkání jsem byla trochu nervozní. Jelikož jsem kromě hodin angličtiny nemluvila anglicky, přiliš jsem jí nerozuměla. Cítila jsem se velice trapně. Eve byla velmi vlídná a snažila se mi pomoci. Po chvilce jsem byla schopna alespoň trochu komunikovat. Jelikož jsme se z dřívějška neznali, bylo naše setkání a pobyt spolu založeno na seznamování. Domů z vlakového nádraží ve Žďáře nad Sázavou jsme jeli s mým taťkou, který ovšem neumí mluvit anglicky. Maminka byla v práci, takže se s Eve setkala až druhý den. Samozdřejmě ani mamka neovládá angličtinu, takže domluva mezi rodiči a mojí partnerkou byla závislá na mně. Následující dny byla naše konverzace lepší a lepší.
Myslím, že jsme si společný týden všichni užili a bavili se. Poznala jsem spoustu nových lidí a našla si nové kamarády mezi finskými i českými studenty.
On the 6th of September I met my new partner from Finland Eve Riikonen at the first time. I had been looking forward to her, but I felt a little nervous. I spoke English only at school, so I didn´t understand her as well and I felt very embarrassing. However she was very pleasant and she tried to help me. After a while I was a little bit involved in the conversation with her. Everybody from our group knew her partner from the past, but we had never met before, so our meeting was based on familiarizing. We went home from the railway station in Žďár nad Sázavou by car with my father, who can´t speak English. My mom worked, so she met Eve next day. Of course my mom can´t speak English, so I had to translate everything. I think following days our conversation was getting better..
I think we enjoyed our common week a we had lots of fun. I met lots of new friends and I found new friends from Finland and our school.
Eva Fousová
The summer wedding in the Old Church of Petäjävesi
I went to see a wedding in the Petäjävesi old church on 14th of July. The weather was grey and a little rainy, even cold. I arrived at the church and had to wait for the wedding to begin. People arrived, some nervous, some a bit confused. I believe I was the most confused and nervous of them all, since I didn’t know anyone or what I was even doing.
We all went inside the church. First we heard some music, and then the bride and groom marched inside, looking as gorgeous as people always do in weddings. We all stood up as they walked to the altar, and the priest started talking. There were prayers and bible phrases and speeches and all that normal wedding stuff. Finally, they got to the actual matrimony. The priest asked the couple the famous words about them wanting to be with each other for the rest of their lives, and the answer was “yes” from both of them. Rings were given, and more talking. After that there wasn’t much left, just some prayers and talking, and then, lastly, music as the freshly married couple walked out of the church. It was raining very hard outside, but it didn’t really bother anyone. Rice was thrown on the couple. They left first to the actual festival site. After that everyone just drove away behind them, and I waited by the church (in the rain, may I add) to get back home.
The whole thing didn’t take very long, only about 30 minutes, and there weren’t all that many people attending the wedding. Sadly I couldn’t do any questionnaires, but I took a bunch of pictures, some of which I hope are helpful in imagining the event.
Thank you for reading J.
Noora and Bětka
Visits in lessons
We visited lessons at our school yesterday. We made groups of four people and every group visited two lessons. We tried to visit each class at school. Our Finnish partners introduced themselves and said something about Finland and their school and our common project of EU.
They could see English, German, Czech or music lessons, also religion, biology, mathematics, history or chemistry. Teachers were very nice and wanted to know something about Finland.
Well when I first entered the class, my first thought was that the class was different. Different in a good way too, because it is always good to try something new. I didn't understand anything about the class or anything like that. But I know it was good, and when I asked my other Finnish friends they said even though they didn't understand anything about the classes that they enjoyed the atmosphere there. When we went to the class we introduced ourselves to the students and the teacher. After that some of the students asked us some questions about Finland, our project and our school and we answered them as best as we could. So altogether it was really good and nice.

They could see English, German, Czech or music lessons, also religion, biology, mathematics, history or chemistry. Teachers were very nice and wanted to know something about Finland.
Well when I first entered the class, my first thought was that the class was different. Different in a good way too, because it is always good to try something new. I didn't understand anything about the class or anything like that. But I know it was good, and when I asked my other Finnish friends they said even though they didn't understand anything about the classes that they enjoyed the atmosphere there. When we went to the class we introduced ourselves to the students and the teacher. After that some of the students asked us some questions about Finland, our project and our school and we answered them as best as we could. So altogether it was really good and nice.

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