So, the first four days have now passed and it has been truly awesome. In the first day I felt a little nervous and excited but since that I´ve started to be a lot more relaxed and confident. The Czech people are really nice and friendly and we´ve had so nice time together. On every night we have been together and partied and did a lot of nice things. At school we have did WIRKKO-magazine a lot and did some other projects as well almost everyday. Though it has sometimes been very stressing to sit 4 hours straight in an IT-class we´ve still had fun and had a lot of energy to do so. Tomorrow we are going to ice hockey match and maybe to sauna. By the way many Czech people have been in sauna many times and they have enjoyed it. We still have a lot of days and I think we are going to have a lot of fun.
Written by: Henri Savolainen
Filip and Henri
On Autumn 2012...
Ennen matkaa... - Before our trip...
Nyt on melkein vuosi kulunut tšekkien vierailusta täällä Suomessa ja pian on meidän vuoro lähteä vierailemaan heidän luokseen Tšekkiin, jonne on meidän onneksemme luvattu upeaa säätä. Tänään on vielä viimeiset tavarat pakattava laukkuihin ja aamulla onkin jo lähtö! Kaikkia jännittää varmasti lähteä aivan uuteen maahan. Mitäköhän sitä oikein pakkaisi? Mitenköhän koulussa otetaan meidät vastaan? Puhumattakaan isäntäperheistä! Mutta ennen kuin pääsemme Žďáriin, odotamme innolla Prahaan tutustumista!
Mitä odotat Tšekin matkalta?
''...yhteistä ajanviettoa koko porukalla.'' -Veera-
''...Prahan näkemistä.'' -Tessa-
''...halpoja hintoja.'' -Topias-
''...kivaa yhdessäoloa ja Tšekkiin tutustumista.'' -Eve-
''...tšekkikavereiden näkemistä.'' -Veikka-
''...kivoja kokemuksia.'' -Henri S.-
''...Paljon mukavia kokemuksia.'' -Henri I.-
It's been almost a year since the Czechs visited Finland and soon it'll be our turn to go to Czech Republic, where it is predicted to be a gorgeous weather for the whole week. Today we have to have everything packed for tomorrow morning's departure! I think everybody is so excited about this trip and so am I. I'm just wondering what I should pack. I wonder how they are going to welcome us. Not to mention the host families! But before we'll get to Žďár, we're looking forward to see Prague!
What are your expectations from our trip to Czech Republic?
I'm waiting for...
''...our time together.'' -Veera-
''...seeing Prague.'' -Tessa-
'' prices.'' -Topias-
'' get to know Czech Republic and have a nice time together.'' -Eve
''...seeing our Czech mates!'' -Veikka-
''...some nice experiences.'' -Henri S.-
''...Lots of nice experiences.'' -Henri I.-
First impressions from the Czech Republic
On Thursday the 4th of September we arrived in the warm city of Prague. Everyone was excited for the couple of upcoming nights in beautiful Prague and the excellent sights and shopping places even after many hours of travelling.
We arrived at the airport of Prague at approximately six o´clock in the evening. After that we took a bus and a subway to the center of Prague. Our hostel was located near the underground station just a few hundred meters away from a mall called 200 shops.
All in all from the first days in Czech Republic I can say that it is a really nice country, all the people are nice and everything has gone fine.
Tiistaina 4. syyskuuta saavuttiin lämpimään Prahaan. Kaikki olivat pitkästä bussi- ja lentomatkasta huolimatta innoissaan muutamasta tulevasta yöstä kauniissa Prahassa ja sen tarjoamista hienoista nähtävyyksistä ja shoppailupaikoista.
Saavuimme Prahan lentokentälle noin klo 6 illalla. Sen jälkeen otimme bussin ja metron Prahan keskustaan. Hostellimme sijaitsi lähellä metroasemaa ja vain noin 200 metrin päässä 200 shops-nimisestä ostoskeskuksesta.
Kaiken kaikkiaan ensimmäisistä päivistä Tšekissä voin sanoa, että se on erittäin hieno maa, kaikki ihmiset ovat mukavia ja kaikki on mennyt hyvin.
Ve čtvrtek 4. září jsme dorazili za teplého počasí do Prahy. Všichni se těšili na noční Prahu, na krásné památky a na nakupování po hodinách cestování.
Přijeli jsme na letiště do Prahy v šest hodin večer. Poté jsme se autobusem a metrem dopravili do centra Prahy. Náš hostel se byl v blízkosti stanice metra, jen pár metrů od nákupního centra s názvem 200 obchodů.
Z těchto prvních dnů v České republice mohu za všechny říci, že je to opravdu krásná země a lidé tady jsou krásní a všechno je tady fajn.
Přijeli jsme na letiště do Prahy v šest hodin večer. Poté jsme se autobusem a metrem dopravili do centra Prahy. Náš hostel se byl v blízkosti stanice metra, jen pár metrů od nákupního centra s názvem 200 obchodů.
Z těchto prvních dnů v České republice mohu za všechny říci, že je to opravdu krásná země a lidé tady jsou krásní a všechno je tady fajn.
Filip and Henri
Ensimmäinen ajatus First thought
Minua oikeasti jännitti vähän, kun tulin Žďáriin, koska tiesin, minkälainen Terka on, mutta en tiennyt yhtään, minkälainen hänen perheensa on. Kun olimme hänen kotonansa, hänen iskä ja sisko oli paikalla. He oli tosi mukavia: tarjoavat mulle koko ajan ruokaa ja juomaa. Terkan iskä René ei osannut hyvin englantia, mutta kysyi aina, haluanko jotain. Hän on tosi mukava ihminen ja osaa kokata hyvin, yrittää aina puhua kanssani, vaikka tajuaa, mitä sanoin, hän ei osannut itse puhua englantia. Terkan sisko Anna on tosi kiva tyyppi, mutta hän ei osaa yhtään englantia, ja hän pyysi minua tekemään itselleen letin. Hänen äiti Laďka ei ollut paikalla, kun tulin. Hän oli Saksassa jossain koulutuksessa, mutta hän tuli kotiin perjantaina. Hänkin oli tosi tosi mukava ihminen ja yllätys! - hän osaa puhua englantia. Hän kysyy, aina mitä haluan, ja kun syödään tai kun tullaan jostain, hän kysyy aina, miten mun päivä on mennyt ja ihan kaikenlaista Suomesta ja kouluista ja Kuokkalan koulusta. He ovat tosi mukava perhe. Tereza asuu kerrostalossa, hänellä on kaksi maailman ihaninta kissaa ja yksi papukaija. Mä tavallaan asun hänen huoneessaan, joka on tosi mukava. Heidän kotinsa lähellä on yksi puisto, jossa me yleensä käydään Veikan ja Kuban kanssa, joka asuu toisessa talossa. Yleensä me heitetään frisbeetä tai me vain istutaan siellä ja jutellaan. Kaiken kaikkiaan hänellä on tosi tosi mukava perhe.
I really was not that nervous when I came to Žďár because i knew Terka but I really didn't know nothing but her family except that she live with her parents and her sister. When we went to her house her father and her sister were at home they were really kind they offer me all the time food and something to drink, her father René didn't know how to speak English but all the time he was asking me if I want something even though he can understand what I said but can't speak it he tried talking to me he was really was nice person and a very good cook. Her sister Anna was a really a sweet girl but she to can't speak English so we don't talk that much. Her mother Laďka wasn't there when I came but she came back on Friday. She is a really a nice and kind person she always ask me how am I and how was my day and she ask about Finland and Finnish school. Altogether they a really nice good and kind family. They live in a flat. Tereza has two cats and one of them is the world´s most sweetest cat and she has a bird and a parrot and I really like their house. Right behind the house there is a park. Sometimes we go there with her friends to play frisbee or just sit and chat. Altogether she has a nice family and I like living with them and I really am enjoying the stay in Žďár and all because of them .
Students' observations
What happened in the time our Finnish partners came to the Czech Republic?
David has a broken arm and he tried to protect his gypsum clean (that means bright white).
However, he couldn't be with us.
Friday was so difficult for our feet. We are glad that boys are gentlemen.
Czech people invited Finnish people to bowling match. We were so intrested in the game that we were rolling on the floor.
David has a broken arm and he tried to protect his gypsum clean (that means bright white).
However, he couldn't be with us.
Thoughts about our trip
So we have been here with our hosts for 5 days now, and we have had lots of fun time in here. All the time we are doing something, so in the evenings we are very tired. Or at least I am so tired.
Initially, when we came to Žďár, I was a little excited. But when we came to our hosts homes, the excitement was gone. Families were very nice to us. But I think that in the first evening we didn´t do
that much, just taking a shower or eating a little bit. After that we went to bed and slept tight until the next morning.
Now it is Wednesday and we have had lots of fun. Almost a week has gone so fast in here. Only thing that I miss from Finland is my own bed.
Veikka 12.9.
My Thoughts
From Daniel´s house.
The sun of the last day is finally shining, and it´s time to do my last text for Wirkko magazine. It´s fun to watch what this group is doing with their computers, half of this class is working hard with their texts and photos and another half is.. well... not working that hard. We are listening to some Czech songs and talking about our days here. We have had loads of unforgettable moments and I think everyone is feeling a little bit sad about tomorrow... For me, farewells are going to be pain. Daniel´s family has been a wonderful host family to me, and they´ve shown me plenty of Czech manners and traditions. One highlight of this trip was the day at Daniel´s cottage, I met some friendly and funny villagers and also Daniels sister there. We had a campfire and we grilled some sausages, talked about sports, music and our countries. All the evenings that our group has spent together have also been great, and these mates (especially Filip!) always know how to make us laugh! I wish we had a few more days...
My first impressions in Finnish project
Ve čtvrtek 6. září 2012 jsem se poprvé setkala s mojí novou partnerku z Finska Eve Riikonen. Moc jsem se na ni těšila, ale z našeho setkání jsem byla trochu nervozní. Jelikož jsem kromě hodin angličtiny nemluvila anglicky, přiliš jsem jí nerozuměla. Cítila jsem se velice trapně. Eve byla velmi vlídná a snažila se mi pomoci. Po chvilce jsem byla schopna alespoň trochu komunikovat. Jelikož jsme se z dřívějška neznali, bylo naše setkání a pobyt spolu založeno na seznamování. Domů z vlakového nádraží ve Žďáře nad Sázavou jsme jeli s mým taťkou, který ovšem neumí mluvit anglicky. Maminka byla v práci, takže se s Eve setkala až druhý den. Samozdřejmě ani mamka neovládá angličtinu, takže domluva mezi rodiči a mojí partnerkou byla závislá na mně. Následující dny byla naše konverzace lepší a lepší.
Myslím, že jsme si společný týden všichni užili a bavili se. Poznala jsem spoustu nových lidí a našla si nové kamarády mezi finskými i českými studenty.
On the 6th of September I met my new partner from Finland Eve Riikonen at the first time. I had been looking forward to her, but I felt a little nervous. I spoke English only at school, so I didn´t understand her as well and I felt very embarrassing. However she was very pleasant and she tried to help me. After a while I was a little bit involved in the conversation with her. Everybody from our group knew her partner from the past, but we had never met before, so our meeting was based on familiarizing. We went home from the railway station in Žďár nad Sázavou by car with my father, who can´t speak English. My mom worked, so she met Eve next day. Of course my mom can´t speak English, so I had to translate everything. I think following days our conversation was getting better..
I think we enjoyed our common week a we had lots of fun. I met lots of new friends and I found new friends from Finland and our school.
Eva Fousová
The last day

From Daniel´s house.
My first impressions in Finnish project
Ve čtvrtek 6. září 2012 jsem se poprvé setkala s mojí novou partnerku z Finska Eve Riikonen. Moc jsem se na ni těšila, ale z našeho setkání jsem byla trochu nervozní. Jelikož jsem kromě hodin angličtiny nemluvila anglicky, přiliš jsem jí nerozuměla. Cítila jsem se velice trapně. Eve byla velmi vlídná a snažila se mi pomoci. Po chvilce jsem byla schopna alespoň trochu komunikovat. Jelikož jsme se z dřívějška neznali, bylo naše setkání a pobyt spolu založeno na seznamování. Domů z vlakového nádraží ve Žďáře nad Sázavou jsme jeli s mým taťkou, který ovšem neumí mluvit anglicky. Maminka byla v práci, takže se s Eve setkala až druhý den. Samozdřejmě ani mamka neovládá angličtinu, takže domluva mezi rodiči a mojí partnerkou byla závislá na mně. Následující dny byla naše konverzace lepší a lepší.
On the 6th of September I met my new partner from Finland Eve Riikonen at the first time. I had been looking forward to her, but I felt a little nervous. I spoke English only at school, so I didn´t understand her as well and I felt very embarrassing. However she was very pleasant and she tried to help me. After a while I was a little bit involved in the conversation with her. Everybody from our group knew her partner from the past, but we had never met before, so our meeting was based on familiarizing. We went home from the railway station in Žďár nad Sázavou by car with my father, who can´t speak English. My mom worked, so she met Eve next day. Of course my mom can´t speak English, so I had to translate everything. I think following days our conversation was getting better..
I think we enjoyed our common week a we had lots of fun. I met lots of new friends and I found new friends from Finland and our school.
Now it‘s the last day of our trip and I have to say that the last 10 days have been awesome.
We have had a lot of unforgettable moments and memories and it has been the best time of my life.
We have done a lot of things together everyday like for example bowling, been in Brno and a lot of other places.
Today we will make a presentation at school for Czech students about the Wirkko-magazine and after that we will go to restaurant with our host students and have an evening together maybe like every other day before this. I think we all are going to have a wonderful last day in the Czech republic.
Tomorrow we will go to Prague by train at 5 o‘clock in the morning and after that we will go to Finland by airplane. I think it will be hard for us to leave the Czech republic behind us after all these great days.
Nyt on matkamme viimeinen päivä ja täytyy sanoa että viimeiset 10 ovat olleet mahtavia.
Olemme kokeneet paljon unohtamattomia hetkiä ja viimeiset 10 päivää ovat olleet elämäni parhaat.
Olemme tehneet yhdessä paljon asioita, kuten keilanneet, olleet Brnossa ja monissa muissa paikoissa.
Tänään esittämme Tsekilläisille oppilaille esitelmän Wirkko lehdestä ja sen jälkeen menemme syömään isäntäperheiden kanssa. ja vietämme yhdessä mukavan illan kuten monina muinkain iltoina aiemmin.
Uskon, että meillä tulee olemaan mahtava viimeinen ilta Tsekissä.
Huomenna menemme junalla Prahaan klo 5 aamulla ja sen jälkeen menemme lentokoneella Suomeen. Lähtö takaisin Suomeen saattaa olla vaikeaa näiden kaikkien hyvien päivien jälkeen.
Henri S
The last moment
It’s Saturday, 5 o’clock in the morning. We are standing at the railway station, full of new experiences and memories. Everybody is trying not to cry, but it’s only waste of time. And we don’t have much of the time now. Just 17 minutes. When Jenny says that they should leave for the platform in 10 minutes, it starts saying goodbyes. Everybody hugs each other and nobody is ashamed of his or her tears. It’s very sad because we have spent a wonderful time together and we have enjoyed every second of this visit. We also have made lots of work on our project and we have enjoyed it. We are thinking about it at the platform and all impressions are miziny in our minds.
Ten minutes are gone and we are leaving for the platform. Our Finnish partners are getting on the train and we are standing in front of the door, crying and saying goodbye. Then the door are closing and we are waving as long as we can. The way back to the station is full of memories and tears.
I enjoyed the visit very much and I’m glad I could meet people from Finland. We have had a lot of fun and time together. I hope our Finnish partners have enjoyed their stay here as we enjoyed staying in Finland. I will never forget!
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