The concert to honour St. John Nepomuk
It was held on the 13 May 2012 at the Church of St. John Nepomuk on the Green Hill and we could visit it. There were two famous Czech musicians Jitka Baštová, who played the accordion, and Jindřich Macek, who played the flute.
At the beginning we made questionnaires with the visitors. There were about a hundred people and we asked some of them. They told us that they came from Brno, Ústí nad Labem or Havlíčkův Brod especially because of the traditional fair. They were Catholics, they knew a little about the Church and other sites of UNESCO in the Czech Republic and they recommended to use this site for masses and special religious services. One visitor suggested to organize exhibitions there. Filip took the pictures and after our work we could sit and listen to the beautiful baroque music which was connected with the time of Jan Blažej Santini Aichl, the architect of the Church.
Jitka Stráská, Alena Hanzlová, Natálie Zelinková a Filip Vaníček
Kesäkonsertti Petäjäveden vanhassa kirkossa -
Summer Concert in The Old Church of Petäjävesi
Me, Topi, Henri S ja Tessa, kävimme Petäjäveden vanhan kirkon Merikanto-illassa 29.8. Kirkossa esiintyivät baritoni Jarmo Hämäläinen ja häntä säesti Marjatta Öhman. Konsertti kesti noin 45 minuuttia, ja kuulimme Oskar Merikannon sävellyksiä. Kirkko täyttyi iäkkäämmistä kuuntelijoista, ja taisimme olla nuorimmat paikan päälle saapuneet. Konsertin jälkeen haastattelimme ihmisiä ja otimme kuvia esiintyjistä.
We, Topi, Henri S and Tessa visited the Petäjävesi Old Church once again, and went to "Merikanto-evening" last week. Singer Jarmo Hämäläinen and pianist Marjatta Öhman performed Oskar Merikanto's compositions. The concert lasted for about 45 minutes. Most of the listeners were older than us, and maybe we were the youngest ones. After the concert we interviewed visitors and took some photos.
- Topias
On the road to the church of St. John Nepomuk on the Green Hill there is installed students art exhibiton now. This exhibition named "We and Santini" is a kind of "art in the street". Pictures are situated between trees and people going to the Green Hill are watchintg these pictures during their way to the church of St. John Nepomuk. When we were getting around the place with Finnish students we followed and admired the pictures.
- Topias
The summer wedding in the Old Church of Petäjävesi
I went to see a wedding in the Petäjävesi old church on 14th of July. The weather was grey and a little rainy, even cold. I arrived at the church and had to wait for the wedding to begin. People arrived, some nervous, some a bit confused. I believe I was the most confused and nervous of them all, since I didn’t know anyone or what I was even doing.
We all went inside the church. First we heard some music, and then the bride and groom marched inside, looking as gorgeous as people always do in weddings. We all stood up as they walked to the altar, and the priest started talking. There were prayers and bible phrases and speeches and all that normal wedding stuff. Finally, they got to the actual matrimony. The priest asked the couple the famous words about them wanting to be with each other for the rest of their lives, and the answer was “yes” from both of them. Rings were given, and more talking. After that there wasn’t much left, just some prayers and talking, and then, lastly, music as the freshly married couple walked out of the church. It was raining very hard outside, but it didn’t really bother anyone. Rice was thrown on the couple. They left first to the actual festival site. After that everyone just drove away behind them, and I waited by the church (in the rain, may I add) to get back home.
The whole thing didn’t take very long, only about 30 minutes, and there weren’t all that many people attending the wedding. Sadly I couldn’t do any questionnaires, but I took a bunch of pictures, some of which I hope are helpful in imagining the event.
Thank you for reading J.
//Noora and Bětka
Art exhibition
On the road to the church of St. John Nepomuk on the Green Hill there is installed students art exhibiton now. This exhibition named "We and Santini" is a kind of "art in the street". Pictures are situated between trees and people going to the Green Hill are watchintg these pictures during their way to the church of St. John Nepomuk. When we were getting around the place with Finnish students we followed and admired the pictures.

Concert in the Basilica Minor of the Assumption of Virgin Mary
On Saturday evening after our trip to Brno we went to the monastery in Žďár nad Sázavou. Shopping and walking in Brno was exhausting so we ordered some pizzas. It was a tiny picnic in the park near the church. The Monastery night took place there, so it was a great opportunity for us to find out some information about the church of St. John Nepomuk. Everybody got questionnaires and interviewed people in the street. At 8 o'clock the concert already started and we all took our seats. Our priest P. Vladimír Záleský welcomed all the people who were in the concert and especially our Finnish guests. Philharmonic Orchestra of Gustav Mahler performed there with the Svatopluk choir and the church was full of people. Even though we listened to other kinds of music, we enjoyed the concert.
Koncert v bazilice Minor Nanebevzetí Panny Marie
V sobotu večer po příjezdu z Brna jsme vyrazili do kláštera ve Žďáře nad Sázavou. Nakupování a chození po Brně bylo velmi namáhavé a tak jsme si objednali pizzy. Byl to takový malý piknik v parku poblíž kostela. Ten den probíhala Klášterní noc v zámku, což byla skvělá příležitost k tomu, abychom zjistili více o kostele svatého Jana Nepomuckého. Všichni dostali dotazníky a ptali se lidí na ulici. V 8 hodin jsme již všichni seděli na svých místech a koncert mohl začít. P. Vladimír Záleský přivítal všechny účastníky koncertu, zvláště pak naše hosty z Finska. Filharmonie Gustava Mahlera vystoupila se sborem Svatopluk v kostele plném lidí. I když posloucháme jiný typ muziky, koncert se nám líbil.Radka and Stina