
Syksyisin Suomen kirkkovuodessa ei ole mitään perinteisiä juhlapyhiä, paitsi Pyhmäinmiesten päivä. Myöskään Petäjäveden vanhassa kirkossa ei ole syksyisin varsinaista toimintaa ollenkaa, vaan toiminta keskittyy kesä-elokuulle, jolloin se on auki päivittäin klo. 10-18. Muulloin kirkollisia tapahtmia vietetääm „uudessa“ Petäjäveden kirkossa.

Na podzim ve Finsku nemáme žádné významné svátky, ale v církevním roce slavíme Pyhäinmiesten den. V Petäjävesi také neslavíme žádné svátky, akce se zaměřují na období června-srpna a bývá otevřený od 10 do 18 hodin. Kromě tohoto období se konají akce v novém kostele Petäjävesi.

In the autumn we don´t have any events in Finnish church year but we have only Pyhmäinmisten day.  In Petäjävesi church they don´t have any events also, so action focuses on june-august and then church is open from 10 to 18. At another time some events are in new Petäjävesi church.

Kirkkoovuosi-church year-církevní rok


Gabriela and Eve

Meeting of young Christians and Pharaoh‘s run

On Saturday, 22nd September, there were two interesting events on the Green Hill.
 One of them was the meeting of young Christians. It took place in the church of St. John Nepomuk. People who wanted to participate were coming from the church of St. Procopius, which is in the town. Then there was a mass in the church of St. John Nepomuk. It started at 14:30. People who wanted to know something about the church could listen to the lecture of the deacon. The lecture was before the mass.
I could not listen to the lecture because I tried to take pictures of young firefighters, running up the stairs. They weren’t real firefighters just children who  competed in firefighters competitions. One of them was the game called also Pharaoh‘s run which takes place every year at the stairs to the Green Hill. Now it was held for the seventh time. My brother was there too. He finished the second. At the end people went to the monastery to have a snack. When the young Christians were leaving the church after mass, the stairs were again full of visitors.

Míša M.