The Course of Finnish Language at Bigy
The students of the Bishop Grammar School in Žďár nad Sázavou who are involved in the project of NAEP Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius the Partneship of Schools attended a three-day-course of Finnish language which was prepared by Mrs Alena Hanzlová from The Private Language School in Sněžné. She works as a language consultant in our project. She studied this language at the Filosophical Faculty at Charles University in Prague and she found our partner school called Kuokkalan koulu in Jyväskylä in Finland.
She informed us about typical features of Finnish grammar, she taught us useful phrases and gave us basic information about the country, where we went at the end of October.
We studied conjugation of the verb to be and formed easy questions and answers with this verb. We could greet in Finnish and we could also say what we liked, ask and answer questions about our names and how we were, talk about the members of our families, our homes and we could ask practical questions to get some useful information. At the end of the course we were able to introduce ourselves fluently in Finnish language.
Another part of the course was listening to the sound of Finnish language, songs and cartoons. We listened to a favourite pop singer Anna Pua, Finnish traditional songs sung by the group Värttinä and we talked about other famous Finnish pop groups as well. We read lyrics of their songs and then we tried to sing. We really liked watching well-known cartoons about the Moommins in Finnish language.
During the stay in Finland we could learn more about the
language. We could tell our partner a story or a fairy- tale well-known in the
Czech Republic and spread in Finland, too. We completed the story in national languages
and translated into English language.
We also sang our favourite national songs and translated
to our partners.So we had several lessons of practical Finnish and English
lessons in Finland again lead by Mrs Hanzlová.
We enjoyed the course in September very much and we used basic phrases in Finland.
We enjoyed the course in September very much and we used basic phrases in Finland.
Michaela Hermanyová, Jitka Stráská
Project EU COM- BP- 2011-002 at the Bishop Grammar school during the school year 2011-2012
There have been a lot of school
activities during this year for the
students of our school which were prepared by students, teachers or project
participants. All activities have one aim – our project partner is from Finland
and we would like to learn as much as possible about this country from many
different aspects.
The language of the project is
English and the coordinator of the project is an English language teacher, so a
lot of activities are connected with English
1. Kristiina Mäki, the former
student, who lives in a bilingual Finnish- Czech family prepared in September 2011 a very nice
presentation about the life, culture, geography, education and her family
holidays in Finland. She presented the country and talked to higher class students in 6 lessons (about 160 students).
2. Regularly we present our
project on school websites
and our blog
(You can watch the shot from TV
Vysočina, see photos in the school photo gallery or read articles about our
3.The participants of the project
presented their stay in Finland and in Kuokalan koulu to their younger
schoolmates (prima, sekunda, tercie, kvarta) at a special pre-Christmas meeting
and sang together a Finnish Christmas song. The participants of the project
presented our stay in Finland in English classes.
4. Also before Christmas students
from prima, sekunda, tercie and kvarta prepared projects about Joulupukki and Finnish
Christmas according to the book by Finnish painter and writer Mauri Kunnas.
5. Eva Rikonen, one of our
Finnish partners, visited our school before Easter and had meetings with
students from different classes and answered their questions about our project,
her school, town and country.
6. In
French classes students filled forms
about the geography of Finland.
7. In
one Russian class students made a
Russian and Czech and Finnish dictionary and talked about Finnish language on the
European Day of Languages.
8. In one Physics
class students solved special tasks about physical laws of weight
acceleration, they talked about nuclear energy in northern countries and how to
measure time.
9. In Art lessons students prepared special presents for our Finnish
partners – dolls in period costumes and now they are preparing
presents again for their visit in September 2012.
10. In History classes in tercie, kvarta and 3rd class students talked
about WWI and WWII and the position of Finland in both wars.
11. In Music lessons – students listened to modern
and classic Finnish music ( Sibelius and Nightwish, Lordit etc.)
12. In Religious Education lessons – Mr. Záleský, the priest from the
Church of St. Jan Nepomucký, prepared a special lecture for project participant
classes about the differences between lutheran
evangelic and catholic church.
13. Czech language classes – students from lower to higher classes read
Kalevala, the Finnish heroic epos, Mika Waltari´s books, they learned about
Finnish literature of 19th century and Finnish language (language family and
the system of vowels and consonants).
14.Geography classes - as a member of our project team is a Geography teacher,
she introduced the geography of Finland in all classes.
15. ICT lessons –
the task for students to work on their term project was Finland. Students dealt
with Finnish geography, the UNESCO sites, the nature, wild animals and fish .
16. Meetings with
On 16 November 2011 parents were invited to a special
presentation about our stay in Finland (which was prepared by students and
teachers) and on 18 April parents were invited to a special presentation which
introduced our project (
Žďár nad Sázavou 11th May 2012 Jitka
Stráská, the coordinator
Alena Hanzlová, language advisor
Easter Visit from Jyväskylä in Žďár nad Sázavou
Wednesday, 4th April 2012 Eve Riikonen visited our school. She is a
Finnish student who participates in the bilateral project Comenius
School Partnership COM-BP-2011-02. She spent with our language group
lead by PhDr. Jitka Straská one lesson of conversation, especially about
the differences between Finland and the Czech Republic. Despite of the
fact that Eve is only in the 8th class, her knowledge of English is very
good, and so she could not have any problems answering our questions.
It was a good opportunity to learn at least something about the country
which maybe some of us will never visit. Eve was very nice and friendly
and we will look forward to another visit from the country of lakes.
Jan Kysilka, II.B
Eva visited our English lesson. She is a very pretty girl. She taught
us some very interesting Finnish words, for example earth warm is said
kastemato, Easter bunny is said pääsiäis pupu and hello is said moi…
Hanďa, PET course
Eva says: „I can say some Czech words.“ It was funny. She was not embarrased to speak with us. It was a great lesson.
Barča, PET course
Eva told about Finnish weather, about her favourite place and about typical Finnish animals.
She says, that she goes to school by bike.
She says, that she goes to school by bike.
Dominika, PET course
visited our lesson. She told us many interesting things and some
Finnish words. She is staying in the Czech Republic at Easter.
Jana, PET course
has learnt English for 6 years too, but she speaks English better than
we can, because in Finnish people speak English more than here in the
Czech republic. Thank you Eve…
Kurz finského jazyka
Ve třech
zářijových dnech jsme se my, studenti
Biskupského gymnázia ve Žďáře nad Sázavou zapojení do projektu NAEP Comenius Partnerství škol v rámci
Programu celoživotního učení, účastnili kurzů finštiny s paní magistrou Alenou
Hanzlovou ze Soukromé jazykové školy ve Sněžném, která v našem projektu se
školou ve finském Jyvaskyla pracuje jako jazykový poradce, poněvadž tento jazyk
vystudovala na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy a zároveň zprostředkovala
spolupráci se střední školou v Jyvaskyla.
Seznámili jsme se se základní gramatikou
finského jazyka, naučili se užitečné fráze a dozvěděli se více o zemi, do které
se na přelomu října a listopadu chystáme.
Z finské gramatiky jsme se naučili časovat sloveso: být a vytvořit otázky a odpovědi s daným slovesem. Umíme ve finském jazyce pozdravy v průběhu celého dne a také říci, co nás baví, jaké máme záliby, vyjmenovat členy rodiny, říci svoje bydliště a další základní informace, na které se umíme i zeptat. Během výuky si každý z nás vyzkoušel plynně říci základní informace o sobě a své rodině.
Součástí výuky byl poslech finského jazyka jak formou hudby, tak i kreslené pohádky. Kromě oblíbených finských hudebních skupin, které známe, jsme si poslechli například Annu Puu, současnou zpěvačku populární hudby, ale i finský folklór v podobě hudební skupiny Värttinä. Texty písní jsme si přečetli a pak se společně pokusili je zazpívat. Výuku zpestřilo sledování námi oblíbeného seriálu Mumínci,kde jsme opět poslouchali finský jazyk.
Tyto kurzy finštiny nás nadchly a do Finska už se všichni těšíme.
Z finské gramatiky jsme se naučili časovat sloveso: být a vytvořit otázky a odpovědi s daným slovesem. Umíme ve finském jazyce pozdravy v průběhu celého dne a také říci, co nás baví, jaké máme záliby, vyjmenovat členy rodiny, říci svoje bydliště a další základní informace, na které se umíme i zeptat. Během výuky si každý z nás vyzkoušel plynně říci základní informace o sobě a své rodině.
Součástí výuky byl poslech finského jazyka jak formou hudby, tak i kreslené pohádky. Kromě oblíbených finských hudebních skupin, které známe, jsme si poslechli například Annu Puu, současnou zpěvačku populární hudby, ale i finský folklór v podobě hudební skupiny Värttinä. Texty písní jsme si přečetli a pak se společně pokusili je zazpívat. Výuku zpestřilo sledování námi oblíbeného seriálu Mumínci,kde jsme opět poslouchali finský jazyk.
Tyto kurzy finštiny nás nadchly a do Finska už se všichni těšíme.
Michaela Hermanyová, účastník EU projektu COM
29. 9. 2011
The Course of Finnish Language
students of the Bishop
Grammar School in Žďár
nad Sázavou who are involved in the project of NAEP Lifelong Learning Programme
Comenius the Partneship of Schools attended a three-day-course of Finnish
language which was prepared by Mrs Alena Hanzlová from The Private Language
School in Sněžné. She works as a language consultant in our project. She
studied this language at the Faculty of Arts at Charles
University in Prague
and she found our partner school called Kuokkalan koulu in Jyväskylä
, Finland.
informed us about typical features of the Finnish grammar, she taught us useful
phrases and gave us basic information about the country, where we are going at
the end of October.
studied conjugation of the verb to be
and formed easy questions and answers with this verb. We can greet in Finnish
and we can also say what we like, ask and answer questions about our names and
how we are, talk about the members of our families, our homes and we can ask practical
questions to get some useful information. At the end of the course we were able
to introduce ourselves fluently in Finnish language.
part of the course was listening to the sound of the Finnish language – songs
and cartoons. We listened to a favourite pop singer Anna Puu, Finnish
traditional songs sung by the group Värttinä and we talked about other famous
Finnish pop groups as well. We read lyrics of their songs and then we tried to
sing. We really liked watching well-known cartoons about the Moommins in
Finnish language.
enjoyed the course in September very much and we are looking forward to Finland
in October.
Hermanyová, the participant of the EU project, COM-2011-002
September 2011
A short article about our presentation of the Finnish part of our EU Comenius project for students from prima to kvarta class
the 21 December 2011 Natálie, David and Michaela met students from
prima, sekunda,tercie and kvarta classes (more than 100 students) to
share their experiences of our stay in the Finnish city of Jyväskylä,
where we worked on our EU project with pupils from Kuokkala koulu.
David began the presentation with basic information about Finland and its capital city Helsinki.He talked about interesting places which we had visited and
told funny stories which had happened during our stay in the beautiful
northern country at partner school, at new Finnish home and while
travelling there in November 2011.
went on and she talked about our flight from Prague to Helsinki Vantaa
airport and journey by coach to Jyväskylä.Younger students could see
pictures of our partner school called Kuokkala koulu. Natálie talked
about school subjects, timetable, breaks, school canteen and afterschool
activities.Which place of interest did the students really like ? The
beautiful Old Church in Petäjävesi, which is the main focus of our
project. The Old Church is on the list of the UNESCO World Heritage
sites and our project deals with the importance of religious buildings
(this church and the Church of St. Jan Nepomucký on the Green Hill) in
the 21st century. Students visited the new church in Kuokkala,
Suomenlinna fortress in Helsinki and Alvar Aalto´s museum
near the city centre in Jyväskylä. Natálie talked enthusiastically about
various kinds of free time activities. She mentioned evenings with
Finnish partners in their homes, where they played various plays and
games, talked, danced and listened to music, watched DVDs and worked on
computers. All students spoke English but of course, they tried to
introduce and teach one another their own languages. Students met Pavel
Skrbek, a Czech ice-hockey player in Jyväskylä , after a match with
Helsinki ice-hockey club.
All students enjoyed Home economics class because they together made delicious pancakes and offered them to the teachers of the school as well as the headmaster.
the end of the presentation Michaela introduced herself in the Finnish
language and younger students could see how difficult and beautiful the language is.
the end Mrs Stráská thanked Natálie, David and Michaela for their
presentation. She spoke about the importance of learning English as it
is the language of international communication
which enables its speakers to meet different cultures, find new friends
and broaden their minds. The presentation showed that Czech students
really enjoyed their stay and work in Finland.
students of lower grades liked the presentation and we hope that in the
future they will participate in similar Comenius Lifelong learning
Natálie Zelinková
Jitka Stráská
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