The beginnings of Catholic Church are found in 4th century . The centre was Constantinople and next centuries the Church was divided into two different Churches. Roman Catholic Church was created in 1054 and it was situated in the west. The Church was secret before the year 1054, but in 1054 the centre of Rome Catholic Church was Rome and it is the centre of Catholic Church now too. In the east Orthodox Church was founded and its centre was Constantinople.
Evangelical Lutheran Church was created by protestant Martin Luther in 16th century. He did not agree with behaviour of Catholic priests. Catholic Church sold indulgences and priests did not behave in a right way. The priests were rich and Martin Luther did not like them. He made 95 thesis against Catholic Church and indulgences sale. He burned the Papal bull. It was the reason for separation from Catholic Church. He created the new Lutheran Bible. Women can be bishops since 1790 in Lutheran Church which is impessible in Catholic Church.
Churches nowadays
The Evangelic Lutheran Church of Finland is part of worldwide Church of Christ accordingly the Church confesses the Christian faith, which is based on the Bible.
Finnish and Czech people do not talk a lot about their faith. They go to church, sit and sing spiritual songs and hymns or hear them and these songs provide expressions for people ´s need and thankfulness before God.
Both churches – Lutheran and Catholic are separate from secular government so that church workers are not public officers in the same sense as state emploees.
The Old Church in Petäjävesi and the Church of St.J.Nepomucký on the Green Hill have the main services for the whole parish usually on Sundays in summer at about 10 p.m. But worship services can also be held at other times or other days of the week. In Finland and the Czech Republic worship services can be arranged with schools at certain times of the year (the beginning or the end of the school year).
Recently there has been a lot of talk about „Metal masses“ in Finland where hymn tunes have been arranged in the style of hard rock music.(More on websites of Evangelic Lutheran Church in Finland.)
Anyone can attend worship services in both countries – one does not have to be a church member for that.
česky english suomi
mše mass messu
rozšířený widespread
víra faith
století century vuosisata/ luvulla
rozdělit divide jakaa
tajný secret salaisuus
souhlasit agree olla samaa mieltä
odpustky indulgences aneet
kněz priest pappi
teze thesises
prodej sale myynti
papežská bula papal bull paavin tiedote
oddělení separation erottaminen
označit (jako) indicate osoittaa

The importance of the Church of St. John Nepomuk on the Green Hill and the Old Church in Petäjävesi in the 21 century
The interview with Vladimír Vojtěch Záleský
What is your official position in the Church of St. John Nepomuk?
I am a priest of the parish Žďár nad Sázavou 2- Klášter (monastery). I am a religious administrator of the subsidiary church of St. John Nepomuk. The church on the Green Hill is a pilgrim church.
What is the basic difference between Lutheran and Catholic Church?
Lutheran Church belongs to protestant Christian Churches, which were founded during 15 to 17 century. Today we feel differences between the Catholics and the Protestants less thanks to ecumenical effort to unify the Christians. All Christians have common basic religion, they believe in one God in three persons, they have basic sacrament- baptism, scripture – the Bible.
Who contributed to found Lutheran Church and what is the reason of its development?
Lutheran Church is Protestant Christian religion, which comes from the legacy of the reformer Martin Luther. Luther christianity was confirmed during the Swedish rule in Finland.
What are the differences in decorations of Lutheran and catholic churches?
The main point of Lutheran Church is the altar similar to Catholic Church. There is a pulpit and ambon (a small desk to proclaim God´s word) Ornaments are plainer and mostly there are no statues and pictures of saints.
What involves priesthood in Lutheran church and what are the differences from the Catholic Church?
Lutheran Church keeps bishop´s ordain in Apostle Sequence. Apostle Sequence is important – it means that today´s bishops are real successors of the first Apostles. They gradually process Apostle´s power (bishop ordain) to their successors. Some Protestant Churches interrupted this sequence in the past. It means that e.g. a priest in Lutheran Church is not only highly educated but also he is in charge of service and he is also ordained. Priesthood is one of the sacraments, similar to Catholic and Orthodox Church.
Do the Lutherans celebrate religious festivals as the Catholics?
The most important festivals in Lutheran Church (in Finland too) are Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Assumption, Pentecost and Celebration of All Saints. Among official festivals belong all Sundays. Shops must be closed legally on Sundays.
Are there any differences between Lutheran and Catholic christening?
The ceremony is a little bit different but the content and sense of christening as a basic ordain are identical. Lutheran Church as Catholic have the christening of small children, they do not reject baptism in older age.
The questions about the Church of St. John Nepomuk:
What was the importance of the Church during the communist regime?
In the year of totalitarian regime it was prohibited to organize public pilgrimage except of the main pilgrimage on the Day of St. John Nepomuk. The Church was taken from the Catholic Church in 1953, but it was used by the Church in limited extent.
When was the church written into the World Heritage List of Sites?
It was written to UNESCO list in 1994. It was the first independently standing sight. The Regional Office in Žďár nad Sázavou and the Minister of Culture asked for that.
Why was the cemetery founded near the church?
There were no plans to build the cemetery in the intentions of Santini and abbot Vejmluva. Later when the monastery was cancelled by Josef II, the church was in a bad state. There were opinions to destroy the church completely but the building was saved because the church became the cemetery chapel.
What were the reasons to afforest the hill and then deforest it?
The hill was called „Black Hill“ after building of the church. It was renamed to the Green Hill (according to Nepomuk). The trees were cut down around the church, introducing the crown of victory, to be visible from all parts of its surroundings. In the 20 century the church was falling into ruins and the hill became overgrown by woody plants.
Who is the owner of the Church of St. John Nepomuk nowadays?
Because it has not come up to return of church property, the church belongs to the state – National Heritage Institution.
Do you think that the church is used enough by believers and non-believers?
The number of pilgrims is on the decrease because it is not easy to realize the pilgrimage. Many people visit the Green Hill to see the site as an architectonic rarity. The basilica (lower church) in Klášter (monastery) serves as the place of pray and meditation. I believe that it will change after returning to the church.
Do you have any idea what would help to welcome more visitors in the church?
Our parish is prepared to look after both reconstruction of this cultural sight and respectable presentation of the building. We enjoy visits of tourists and at the same time we want to prepare the programme for believers.
There are a lot of ideas – we would like to cooperate with local authorities, Information Tourist Centre and other institutions which we have been cooperating with for a long time.
Thanks for the interview.
Jitka Stráská, coordinator COM-BP-2011-002
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