priest at school told us that in the Czech Republic Catholic faith is
the most widespread. About 11% people believe in it. However it is a
few people. In Finland lots of people believe in Lutheran faith.
About 89% people believe in it, 1% people are orthodox and only 10%
people are atheists.
beginnings of Catholic Church are found in 4th century .
The centre was Constantinople and next centuries the Church was
divided into two different Churches. Roman Catholic Church was
created in 1054 and it was situated in the west. The Church was
secret before the year 1054, but in 1054 the centre of Rome Catholic
Church was Rome and it is the centre of Catholic Church now too. In
the east Orthodox Church was founded and its centre was
Lutheran Church was created by protestant Martin Luther in 16th
century. He did not agree with behaviour of Catholic priests.
Catholic Church sold indulgences and priests did not behave in a
right way. The priests were rich and Martin Luther did not like them.
He made 95 thesis against Catholic Church and indulgences sale. He
burned the Papal bull. It was the reason for separation from Catholic
Church. He created the new Lutheran Bible. Women
can be bishops since 1790 in Lutheran Church which is impessible in
Catholic Church.
Churches nowadays
Evangelic Lutheran Church of Finland is part of worldwide Church of
Christ accordingly the Church confesses the Christian faith, which is
based on the Bible.
and Czech people do not talk a lot about their faith. They go to
church, sit and sing spiritual songs and hymns or hear them and these
songs provide expressions for people ´s need and thankfulness before
churches – Lutheran and Catholic are separate from secular
government so that church workers are not public officers in the same
sense as state emploees.
Old Church in Petäjävesi and the Church of St.J.Nepomucký on the
Green Hill have the main services for the whole parish usually on
Sundays in summer at about 10 p.m. But worship services can also be
held at other times or other days of the week. In Finland and the
Czech Republic worship services can be arranged with schools at
certain times of the year (the beginning or the end of the school
there has been a lot of talk about „Metal masses“ in Finland
where hymn tunes have been arranged in the style of hard rock
music.(More on websites of Evangelic Lutheran Church in Finland.)
can attend worship services in both countries – one does not have
to be a church member for that.
česky english suomi
mše mass messu
rozšířený widespread
víra faith
století century vuosisata/
rozdělit divide jakaa
tajný secret salaisuus
souhlasit agree olla
samaa mieltä
odpustky indulgences aneet
kněz priest pappi
teze thesises
prodej sale myynti
bula papal bull paavin
oddělení separation erottaminen
(jako) indicate osoittaa

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