
History of the Old Church in Petäjävesi


The church built between 1763 and 1765.The Petäjävesi Old Church is a wooden church located in Petäjävesi, Finland.It was inscribed in 1994 on the UNESCO world heritage list. The clock tower that has been built in 1821 is connected to it. The church was placed on a small cape on the west bank of the sound between Petäjävesi, and Jämsävesi. The place is typical of the old countryside church.The church was designed by a church construction worker Jaakko Klementinpoika. In 1821 the 2 windows of the church were enlarged and the vestry was moved from a northern cross point as the extension of the eastern point. The clock tower was connected to the west end of the church.


Kirkko rakennettiin vuosien 1763 ja 1765 välillä. Petäjäveden vanha kirkko on puinen kirkko, joka sijaitsee Petäjävedellä, Suomessa. Se valittiin vuonna 1994 UNESCO:n maailmanperintökohteiden listalle. Sen kellotorni valmistui vuonna 1821. Kirkko sijoitettiin pienelle niemelle Petäjäveden ja Jämsänveden välille.Paikka on tyypillinen vanhalle maalaiskirkolle. Kirkon sunniteli työmies Jaakko Klementinpoika. Vuonna 1821 kahta kirkon ikkunaa suurennettiin ja ristiä siirrettiin pohjoiselta puolelta itäiselle puolelle. Kirkon torni yhdistettiin kirkon länsipäähän.


Kostel byl postaven mezi lety 1763 a 1765. Petäjävesi je starý kostel, je dřevěný a nachází se v Petäjävesi ve Finsku. V roce 1994 byl tento kostel zapsán do pamatek UNESCO. Věž s hodinami, která byla postavena v roce 1821, je k němu rovněž připojena. Kostel byl umístěn mezi městy Petäjävesi a Jämsävesi, na západním břehu. Místo je velice vhodné pro staré kosteli. Kostel byl navržen Jaakko Klementinpoika. V roce 1821 byly dvě okna kostela rozšířené a sakristie byla přesunuta ze Severního kříze do místa východu. Věž s hodinami byla připojena na západním konci kostela.

Henri Savolainen and Filip Vaníček

History of the Pilgrimage Church of St.John Nepomuk 

1.The beginnings 

I would like to write you basic information about the beginnings of the Church of St. Jan Nepomuk near the monastery in Žďár which is my main task.
In several parts I will show you the life of the Church which became the important part of the World Heritage Sites in 1984.

The Church was built thanks to Václav Vejmluva, an abbot of the Cistercian monastery in Žďár. The impuls was given by the discovery of preserved tissue in the tomb of John of Nepomuk in the St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague in 1719.

Vejmluva explained his ideas of the new church to the famous architect Jan Blažej Santini Aichel. Santini in his designs did not respect the traditions of religious buildings in his times. He only accepted the structure of a pilgrimage destination.The Church was built very quickly.

Both Vejmluva and Santini shared their idea of the pattern of a star.They worked together for many years on different buildings because they enjoyed symbology and the Cabala. The definite shape of the Church of John of Nepomuk is the same as it was originally designed at the beginning of 18 century.

And next parts of my story will be about:
( I will try to use bubbles and photos)

2. Symbology and the Cabala
3. The Church in 18 and 19 century
4. The Church in 20 century
5. The Church nowdays

See you soon

Filip Vaníček

(according to www.zelena-hora.eu)