Friday, March 30, 2012


Petäjäveden kirkko edustaa 1600 -1700- lukujen rakennustyylejä ja on pohjoismaisen puunrakentamistaidon ja -perinteen korkeatasoinen ja hyvin säilynyt esimerkki. Kirkon suunnittelun lähtökohtana oli renessanssin aikainen keskeiskirkko ja kirkon korkea ja jyrkkälappeinen aumakatto on goottilaista rakennustyyliä. Kirkko on rakennettu käyttäen hirsisalvostekniikkaa. Kirkon kattorakenteet on koristeltu punamullalla tehdyillä koristemaalauksilla, muuten kirkko on sisätiloiltaan maalaamaton. Kirkon sisätilojen tunnelma on ainutlaatuinen lattialankkujen ja penkkien hieman epätasaisen sommittelun ansiosta. Alttaritauluna on Carl Fredrik Blomin maalaama Pyhä ehtoollinen vuodelta 1843.

Petäjävesi Old church represents building styles of 1600–1700's. It is a well-preserved masterpiece of Nordic carpentry. The church is designed like old wooden Renaissance churches. The high and steep hip roof is Gothic design, and it's decorated with red ochre paintings. Otherwise the church's interiors are unpainted. The walls are built using log con technique. The atmosphere of the interior of the church, which a little uneven arrangement of the floor planks and benches form, is unique. The altarpiece is Carl Fredrik Blom's painting The last supper. 

- Topi

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring and Easter

I visited the Church of St. John Nepomuk on the Green Hill on 1 March. I asked a few people about our questionnaire. This is the result of my visit.

                                                                           David Havelka

Monday, March 26, 2012

19 weeks ago Czechs left us and what have we done? Well, we've learned Czech and it has been quite difficult and interesting. And fun! We have a Czech lesson once a week on Monday. Our teacher is Jana Toivanen, who is really nice. We have done also PowerPoints about Czech students´ visit and we had open day for our school where we presented them. Each of us had one day to tell about. We had three presentations, for 7th, 8th and 9th grade students. All of them went really well and we're proud of ourselves!

~Tessa & Veera~

Candle Church

Candle Church has been celebrated in Petäjävesi Old Church on Boxing Days since 1998. Before the year 1998 they spent candle church in Petäjävesi New Church but only about twenty people attended , a lot less than now. To Petäjävesi Old Church comes lots of more people, even from neighbouring communes or even longer distances. But now I'm going to tell about the last Candle Church:
    Programme included:
  • Bible reading, some prayers and a little sermon
  • Christmas carols
Outside was a camp fire for sausages and in some years there has been a possibility for children to ride a horse.

There were about 250 people in the church last time. It has been almost full every year. About a half of people were families, third of the people attending being children. And of course there were also older people.

The church lasted for about half-an-hour. In the church there's as cold as outside. It was windy outside during the service but it wasn't cold because the temperature wasn't below zero. Fire fighters and a sacristan needed to do a lot of work to keep candles on. The people had flashlights and seat pads with them and they got to keep their hats on the head.

Over all the Candle church is very popular and a nice event.


Friday, March 23, 2012


We got this questionnaire to ask people about church and their habits to be contact with church. It included 10 questions and down below is the questions and answers we asked and we got from people of petäjävesi.

1) What is your reason to visit this place?
”I was a bus driver”
”It is a very nice place”
”Lives there, parties and visitors”
”Because it is UNESCO site”

2) Why do people usually visit this place?
Because it was nice place or it is unesco site. Those were answers we got.

3) What is your religion?
No religion

4) Do you go to the Old Church often or first time?
It was pretty much 50-50% for first time and more than once.

5) What is the most attractive point here for you?
Wooden Architecture and friends(?), people told us.

6) Do you know who and why desinged and built this chucrh?
Most people didn't know this, only some of them. It was built by jaako klementin pojan.

7) Do you know anything about this church?
-It's about 300 years old
Kids have been played there
A little bit
It is Unesco memory

8) Do you know other sites of UNESCO in Finland?
Two simple answer than were kinda 50-50% too:
Yes and no

9) Witch sites of UNESCO in have you visited?
For this question we got 7 answers:
old rauma,
only here,
swedish church

10) What kind of social programme would you recommend to be organised here?
We got also got 7 answers from people to this question:

-Veikka and Jakub 23.3.2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

History about the old church in Petäjävesi

The church is built between 1763 and 1765.The Petäjävesi Old Church is a wooden church located in Petäjävesi, Finland. It was inscribed in 1994 on the UNESCO world heritage list. The clock tower that has been built in 1821 is connected to it. The church was placed on a small cape on the west bank of the sound between Petäjävesi and Jämsänvesi. The place is typical for an old countryside church.The church was designed by a church construction worker Jaakko Klemetinpoika Leppänen. In 1821 the 2 windows of the church were enlarged and the vestry was moved from the northern cross point as the extension of the eastern point. The clock tower was connected to the west end of the church.


Kirkko rakennettiin vuosien 1763 ja 1765 välillä. Petäjäveden Vnha kirkko on puinen kirkko, joka sijaitsee Petäjävedellä, Suomessa. Se valittiin vuonna 1994 UNESCO:n maailmanperintökohteiden listalle. Sen kellotorni valmistui vuonna 1821. Kirkko sijoitettiin pienelle niemelle Petäjäveden ja Jämsänveden välille. Paikka on tyypillinen vanhalle maalaiskirkolle. Kirkon sunnitteli työmies Jaakko Klemetinpoika Leppänen. Vuonna 1821 kahta kirkon ikkunaa suurennettiin ja ristiä siirrettiin pohjoiselta puolelta itäiselle puolelle. Kirkon torni yhdistettiin kirkon länsipäähän.


Kostel v Petäjävesi byl postaven mezi lety 1763 a 1765. Starý kostel v Petäjävesi je postaven ze dřeva. V roce 1994 byl tento kostel zapsán do pamatek UNESCO. Je k němu připojena věž s hodinami,která byla postavena v roce 1821.Kostel byl umístěn mezi městy Petäjävesi a Jämsävesi, na západním břehu. Místo je velice vhodne pro staré kostely. Kostel byl navržen Jaakko Klementinpoika Leppänen. V roce 1821 byly dvě okna kostela rozšířena a sakristie byla přesunuta ze Severního kříže do místa východu. Věž s hodinami byla pripojena na západním konci kostela.

Written by: Henri Savolainen

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wirkko Magazine Project January-April 2012

According to our project we have divided these responsibilities between us:

Students take photos (4-10) of their home UNESCO sites, it means Petäjävesi in Finland and the Green Hill in the Czech Republic. They will complete at least 10 questionnaires with visitors to the sites and prepare speech bubbles with their partner for the magazine comic.

Filip and Henry - the history of the churches.
Daniel and Topias - the architecture of the churches.
Eve and Gabriela - autumn in the churches (the surroundings and special events held there).
Gabriela and Eve will prepare Easter and complete the questionnaire because Eve will be in the Czech Republic.

Can anybody from the Finnish students write about Easter in Petäjävesi because Eve will not be in Finland?

Michaela M. – I have written an article for Michaela – I interviewed the local priest Mr. Záleský about New Year Eve mass and one student took photos. Michaela will make speech bubbles and photos for the magazine.

Veera, could you take some photos from Petäjävesi and write about a mass or events which took place during Christmas there ?

Spring is coming. David will prepare photos and information about 14 February, i.e. St.Valentine´s Day and Shrove Tuesday on 21 February on the Green Hill and Henry will add some information with photos about these days in Finland.

Henry, could you answer my question and put it on our blog ? Could you take some photos in spring and send them to David? If there is anybody, could you ask them our questions from the questionnaire and then give them to Jakub and Veikka who make graphs.

Jakub and Veikka.
According to our project we should ask visitors to the places 10 times during our project, so that there would be 10 different dates and I suggest asking 10 visitors each time.
(Do you agree?)
Jakub and Veikka will complete the questionnaires about their sites and later they will compare them.

Stina and Radka Could you compare the churches - Petäjävesi is a lutheran church and Green Hill is catholic.
Girls, are there any differences in services and masses and other events?
I asked our school priest Mr.Záleský to help.
Stina, could you ask somebody at your church ?

Daniel and Topias will help you about the differences in the way how churches are decorated.
Boys, could you send each other or your teachers some results?

Tessa and Michaela – girls, could you look at web pages of the sites and write a survey of all events which take place there? We could visit some concerts or services. For example, there will be a concert on the Green Hill on 13 May. Let´s go .
Inka and Natálie
Have you written a story or a fairy tale about the churches?

Alžběta and Noora will take pictures and ask visitors in summer.

Mariama and Teresa , could you help the others to take pictures and write speech bubbles ?

Jitka and Jenni Could we help our students and contact local church authorities to find out statistic information about the sites. Our final task is: How are the churches important in the 21 st century?

Marjaana and Milada will help you with all IT things.

Thank you very much for cooperation.
I wish you good luck with your work, enjoy your visits to the places and share your partner´s ideas.

Have a nice time.

18 March 2012 Jitka, the coordinator.