Church Events

Pilgrimage on the occasion of feast of St. John Nepomuk

On 12th and 13th May pilgrimage masses took place in the Church of St. John Nepomuk on the Green Hill. It’s celebrated every year at the weekend before or after the celebrations of St. John Nepomuk.
Why is the festival of John Nepomuk celebrated in Žďár nad Sázavou, when he lived and worked in Prague?
Jan Nepomuk belonged to the religious order which founded the monastery in Žďár nad Sázavou. Jan Nepomuk was worshiped by this religious order and therefore abbot Vejmluva asked Santini to build a church on the Green Hill to honour  St. John Nepomuk.
Since that time, pilgrimage masses have been celebrated in this church.( it happened at the beginning of 18th century)
How was it going this year 2012?
Since Friday 11th people were visiting this place to admire  stunning architecture. The first mass was on Saturday at 5 o’clock. On Sunday five masses were celebrated . Even though there were so many masses, every time  the church was absolutely full of people.
I asked the visitors about our questionnaire and they answered me:
„It was absolutely beautiful! I go there every year and I love it. This church has amazing atmosphere.“( said a woman from Radňovice, a nearby village)
„We are here for the first time and it’s very nice. I was surprised by the architecture. It’s wonderful.“ ( said a man from Liberec.)
„I have seen lots of churches and I go to the mass on the Green Hill every Sunday, but this mass in this church was the best I have ever visited.“ (said a man from Žďár nad Sázavou.)
„I‘ve never seen so many people in this church!“ (said a woman from Žďár nad Sázavou.)

                                                                   Míša Mužátková

Interview with a guide at the Church of St. John of Nepomuk on the Green Hill

How long have you worked as a guide in the Church of St. John Nepomuk?

Now, it’s the second year.

What are the most frequent questions of visitors?

Why is this church built in a star plan or if Santini was an Italian and if John Nepomuk visited this church and what is the connection with him.

Have you got a funny story, which happened during your guide tour?

I forgot the year when the church was built.

In which season do people visit this church most often?

In the week of 5th and 6th of July as these days are public holidays.

How long does one guide tour take?

About 25 minutes.

What was the most interesting place where the visitors were from?

Japan and Mexico

Do they have curious questions? For example if there is a hidden treasure?

People from abroad don’t know much about the church, people from the Czech republic always want to know if there is a corridor which connects the monastery with the church on the Green Hill.

Is somewhere a hidden treasure?

Yes, but I don’t know where.

Do people know more about the Church of st. John Nepomuk than in communism?

Yes, they do, I think it is because of the television or newspapers. 

Which part of the church is your favourite?

I like the view of the arch.

What people really don’t know?

They don’t know who St. John Nepomuk was.

Is there a story about the Green Hill?

There is a story about the construction of the church. Abbot Vejmluva didn’t know what shape the church should have had. He was walking and visiting the sick. One woman told him about her dream. She saw the church in the shape of a star. And Abbot Vejmluva was sure that it was the right shape. 

Michaela Mužátková

Wedding in the church of st. John Nepomuk on the Green Hill

An interview with a bride

May I ask you about your wedding? 

Yes, with pleasure.

What was the weather like that day?

It was quite cold – about 15 °C and at the end of the ceremony it was raining.

How did you feel?

I felt a bit nervous at the beginning when we entered the church but later I started to enjoy the ceremony and the special atmosphere.

How many guests did you invite to the church?

Almost 40 people were invited to our wedding and in the church there were more people - so about 60 people I´d say.

Why did you decide to have your wedding at the Church of St. John Nepomuk?

Because it´s a place which is close to my heart, I like it there and I worked there 3 years in summer as a guide, so I always imagined I would have a wedding there. 

Can you describe the ceremony? Which special customs did you keep?

It lasted about 30 minutes. There are some special customs connected with the church ceremony – e. g. the bride enters the church as the last person together with her father, the bridegroom comes as the first with his mother, the bride and the bridegroom have each their best men, we also had 2 brides maids, during the ceremony you have to say the wedding promise (you have to learn it by heart), the bride and the bridegroom exchange wedding rings and of course I can´t forget prayers and the first marriage kiss. Everything is accompanied by nice organ music.

Thanks for the interview.

Michaela Hermanyová

Motoristien kirkkopyhä - Church Service for the Bikers

Olimme 22.5. Petäjäveden kirkossa motoristien kirkkopyhässä. Petäjäveden seurakunta ja Moottoripyöräkerho 69 r.y. olivat yhdessä järjestäneet  Petäjäveden vanhassa kirkossa ehtoollisjumalanpalveluksen, jonne saavuttiin moottoripyörillä. Kaikenikäisiä ihmisiä oli saapunut ympäri Suomea, jopa Kuopiosta ja Lahdesta. Meillä oli kyselylomakkeet ja haastattelimme ihmisiä, kaikki vastasivat mielellään. Kirkkopyhän jälkeen siirryimme muistohaudalle laskemaan seppeleet ja laulamaan kaatuneiden muistoksi.

On the 22 of May we were in Petäjävesi´s church service for the bikers. Petäjävesi´s church and the bikers club (69 r.y) together organized in the old church of Petäjävesi a church service where many bikers came on bikes. All kinds of people from all around Finland even from Kuopio and Lahti were there. We were having papers of questionnaires and we  interviewed some of the peopple there and everydbody gladly answered. After the church service we moved to the memorial grave to wreaths and flowers and sing for the fallen people who died in the Second World War  in Finland 1939-1945.

Sotaveteraanin haastattelu
syntymäpaikka: Sortavala, asunut Petäjävedellä noin 60 vuotta
ikä: 87 vuotta
uskonto: evankelisluterilainen

Mikä on syysi vierailla tässä paikassa?
- Olen ollut moottoripyöräkerhon jäsenenä ja halusin tulla kokoontumiseen, lisäksi sotaveteraanina haluan olla mukana kaatuneiden muistopäivän jumalanpalveluksessa ja seppeleiden laskemisessa sankarivainajien haudoille, jälkeenpäin on vielä kahvitarjoilu

Miksi ihmiset yleensä käyvät tässä paikassa?
- tämä on kuuluisa Unescon maailmanperintökohde

Käytkö Petäjäveden vanhassa kirkossa usein vai oletko täällä ensimmäistä kertaa?
- useita kertoja olen ollut, niin monta kertaa ettei pysty laskemaan

Mikä sinusta on kiinnostavinta täällä?
- kylmä kirkko, ei lämmitystä, vanhanaikaisuus, histori on läsnä

Tiedätkö, kuka suunnitteli ja rakennutti tämän kirkon ja miksi?
- en muista, olisko ollut se Leppänen, tämä oli kappeliseurakunta ja kirkko täytyi rakentaa

Tiedätkö muita UNESCO:n maailmaperintökohteita Suomessa?
- Vanha Rauma, Verlan puuhiomo ja Suomenlinna

Missä UNESCO:n maailmanperintökohteissa olet käynyt?
- en muissa kuin täällä

Interview of the ex-serviceman
place of birth: Sortavala, lived in Petäjävesi about 60 years
age: 87 years
religion: Evangelical Lutheran

What is the reason to visit this place for you?
- I have been member of the motorcycle club and I wanted to come to assemblage, and because I'm a ex-serviceman, I wanted to be here when is divine service of the poppy day and also be with others when we lay wreaths to the memorial grave, afterwards there is also a coffee on tap.

Why do people usually visit this place?
- This is a famous site of UNESCO.

Do you go the Old Church of Petäjävesi often or are you here for the first time?
- very often, it's hard to count

What is the most attractive point here for you?
- cold church, no heating system, outdated, history is in here

Do you know who and why designed and built this church?
- I don't remember, would it be Leppänen, this was a chapel of the Church and they have to built a church.

Do you know other sites of UNESCO in the Finland?
- Vanha Rauma, Verlan puuhiomo ja Suomenlinna

Which sites of UNESCO in have you visited?
- not elsewhere else but here

- Stina, Mariama, Henri I, Jenni ja Marjaana -

Concert in the Church of St. John Nepomuk

Last Friday, we visited a concert in the Church of St. John Nepomuk. We were welcomed by our partners and their school authorities with the concert. Students from the school were perfoming in the concert. Betka was playing the piano. She was amazing! And the boys, Jan and Jiri, who played the guitars were really good as well as Marketa who sang really beautifully. I liked the concert really much.

And here's some thoughts from the others:

''The concert was great.'' -Inka

''The boy who sang in the concert was really talented'' -Stina

''It was good.'' -Tessa

''They all were so good to play and sing.'' -Veikka

''The concert was really nice. And Betka played the piano so well!'' -Noora

by: Veera